How the transition works to ASW 2012

During the next few weeks you will be receiving updates that will transition you to Auto Shop Writer 2012.  We will be doing this in steps, so here is some information that will help you plan accordingly.  We are taking into consideration the fact that a major holiday is coming up, and summer months are often quite busy.

1)  If you are on ASW 9.22.30 or above, you will now find your bulletins here.  No further information will be posted to the old MasterLink Software website.  All ASW related activity will take place at

2)  In a few days we will post a new Auto Update program for download.  There will be complete instructions in an article published under Frequently Asked Questions, in the Updates category.  You will be able to download that file, and install it yourself, if you follow the instructions.  It is improved, more powerful, and has user controls for forced updating.

3)  We will also be posting a download for the new workstation updating utility.  Those instructions will be in the same article.  Both will be available at the same time.  Again, it contains new capabilities for ASW 2012.

4)  Once these are installed, all further updating will be automatic.

5)  Initially we will be providing a new ASW9.exe for your workstations.  This is built using the older Microsoft compatible tools, but with the new features and optimized files. We will also be providing an ASW 2012 version.  It is built with the latest Microsoft tools.  Both versions do the same tasks, but the “engine” is different.

6)  Anyone running single user, or peer-to-peer networking, will be able to use the ASW 2012 version without a problem.  Those using Advantage Client Server software must be on  ADS 9.1 or above.  ADS will be releasing their version 11 in July, and at that time we will be offering update pricing for those who wish to use it.  Starting in October we expect to take advantage of increased capabilites in that version for those who have it.

ASW 9.23 and above will work on Windows 8, Desktop.  We have tested it, even with ADS servers, and experienced no problems.  We will continue to test it prior to its official release.

ASW 2012 will also be the key to a touch version of ASW for tablets.  We have not recommended any yet because we are waiting to see what is released specific to the Windows 8 marketplace.  Those currently available are all based on Windows 7 which does not yet have great touchscreen functionality.