MLS 12.44.13 and Frequently Asked Questions

First, the update you just received has some features added to reports, key internal updates, the groundwork for new features, PLUS – On the Workorder screen, where you add PARTS, you will see a new FIND button.  When adding a lot of of parts on a workorder, instead of scrolling down to look for one, click on that button, put in the first few characters of the part number, and it will look for it and display a match.  If correct, select the Yes button and it will become the highlighted record.  If not, then it will look for the next match to what you entered.  Using Upper or lower case WILL make a difference.  Of coursee we recommend always using upper case for partnumbers.  

We have received questions recently asking “Does ASW do this ?”  People ask because sales people drop by wanting to sell their products, and have some feature highlight.  To be honest, if they share something, it is usually already in ASW, and if not, let us know, and we can probably add it.  In fact, recent requests are often implemented in hours, not months or years.  So here are some things we want you to know, and please feel free to be in touch if you want to know more:

+ ASW has integrated texting.  In fact it is capable of doing a multitude of tasks, even automatically, like appointment reminders, “Your car is ready” messages, “Please call us”, and so much more that can be defined by YOU.  Full details are in the manual.

+. ASW has integrated credit card processing, usually at rates well below what others offer, and it is able to handle that via the internet.  It is far easier than the steps most people must follow now.  We built interfaces with 3 different companies who are leaders serving your industry.

+  Inspection checklists are very popular with your customers.  In ASW, you can add one to the workorder with a single keystroke.  These are fully customizable by you, for your specific preferences, and you can decide when to add one to a workorder, and when to skip it.

+. ASW is NOT cloud based for some excellent reasons.  1). Our clients want to see a lot of data on one screen, and that simply is not how internet based softwre works.  2). Our local based service is far more secure.  We do not want or use your data.  It is yours.  Most other systems “mine” your data and resell it, or use it to sell you more stuff.  Internet based services also require excellent connection speeds and bandwidth, especially when you have multiple computers running.  Most of our clients simply do not have connections that are strong enough.  Also, cloud based systems are subject to hacking, and downtime.  Nothing is more frustrating than having your system down for hours, or even days, because those cloud based servers are out.  Our local systems are always up.

+. You can use ASW remotely.  Many of our clients work from mobil settings, or home, and they can work remotely from anywhere.

+. For many years, ASW has been able to use “tablet” computers for the program.  These MUST use WINDOWS as the operating system.  Shops have found the Microsoft Surface Pro to be the best “3 in one”, and carry it to the vehicle to get, and enter information, or take inventory, or even use remotely when they must be away from the shop.  However, there are other WINDOWS computers that provide 3 in one options ( tablet, laptop, easel ).  Many have docking ports which provide connections to keyboards, mice, monitors, and printers, and keep them charged.

+ ASW provides full marketing capabilities, with automated emails, shop reminders, etc.

+. Our support is live, personal, and capable of fixing any software based issues very quickly.  One call, text, or email, gets an immediate response.  NO PHONE TREE, NO AI, NO TEXT READING OFFSHORE SUPPORT PERSON.  We know our clients.  When an error is reported, it is fixed, an update pushed out, and if it means someone can’t get work done, we’ll go online and transfer the new files to them right away so they are up and running, though our updates do put the fixes on their system within 3 hours of them being on our server.  

+ We know the cost of doing business is increasing, and when you pass those prices on to your clients, you risk losing them, even though you have no choice.  We have kept our prices stable for years … no increases and that will hold true in 2025.  We also do not ask you to purchase add ons, or pay for other services.  Some of our integrations are with other service providers but they even keep their costs down.  And, they are optional.

As we complete 2024, we will be laying the groundwork for new advances after the first of the year.  We are moving into the holiday season, and after 42 years serving the automotive repair industry, we know this is not a good time to put out versions with new features.  Of course, we will fix any bugs ( if there are any … which is actually quite rare ) and we might tweak a few things, but any big additions will wait.

Thank you for taking the time to read this bulletin.  Feel free to be in touch if you have any further questions.

Update: 12.43.31 –

Your system likely updated to MLS 12 version 12.43.31.  This update includes a number of performance fine tuning, an updated core engine, and more.  Most of the features are transparent and will occur during your normal operations.

We do have one addition you MAY want to use.  By default it is turned off.  We were asked by a client to add the TIME to each labor item.  In this case we show the flat rate hours ( not actual, which is strictly for analysis ).  IF you wish to turn this feature on, go to Tools -> Setup -> Invoices and you will show the checkbox for the option to display the time on invoice printouts.  It will add that item between the description and the technicians name.  You will be able to turn it on or off in the Setup.  

Due to the large variety of contact numbers entered into the system, CARFAX has asked us to add both the client home and work numbers in addition to the cellphone numbers.  This is done in the daily submission of data you send to CARFAX.  This is ONLY for those shops using the CARFAX LOYALTY PROGRAM.  If you are in the program, please call and allow us to install a new auto update program on your server.  You do not need to stop working, and it will take only a few minutes for us to do this.

Our core developers have been working on many new capabilities to take advantage of the new AI services available, and new Windows features.  As we see stability, and value, in these capabilities we will be adding them to future releases of Auto Shop Writer.

Finally, just an observation:  We sometimes get asked if we have an internet based version of ASW.  We absolutely have the ability to release one, but we have refrained from doing so for several reasons.  First, you would need high speed internet, that is ALWAYS up, and a bandwidth large enough to accomodate all of your workstations.  Secondly, web programming works with smaller bits of data on each screen then our clients want to view.  Third, our system is actually much faster handling the amount of data you process.  The most important reason, however, is SECURITY.  Take some time to view articles on current day hacking.  You have probably received numerous alerts about accounts you have that have been compromised, and your data is now in the hands of thieves.  If large banks, and corporations, with billion dollar budgets cannot safely store your data, what about the much smaller companies that host your work data on the web.  Do you really want people stealing all of your business data and selling it to those who wish to steal your clients, and/or assets ?   A local based server, as we are using, assures the privacy of your data.  You may have a thriving business, but no big players in the hacker industry are going after the small businesses.  Of course, having your data shared is not limited to hackers.  Many companies providing online systems make additional money with “data mining” where there bots go through all of yoru data, and then sell what is appropriate.  We really appreciate our clients and want to protect them in this technology industry.

This last issue leads to the question “How can I access my data when I’m not at the shop?”  Did you know that many of our clients have employees who work offsite ?  We can tell you how they do it, and you can do it yourself, safely.

We do appreciate your input.  We also seek to implement your requests quickly.  This last request came in Thursday morning, was implemented in the software by Thursday evening, fully tested, and put out two days later along with a number of other updates.  Your needs matter, so feel free to email ( in detail so we can do it right ) to and we’ll respond right away.
