November Notes

ASW Forum

We have provided a forum for Auto Shop Writer users where you can post, and discuss, questions, ideas, and concerns about the ASW software, or your industry as a whole.  Unfortunately, as in the past, it is bombarded daily by automated registrations that render it useless.  Therefore, we have shutoff all user based registrations.  Instead, we will assign you a user name and password for access.

If you want to use the forum, please send an email to with your username and desired password, plus your shop name, city, and state.  We will setup your account, and reply when this is done so you may begin posting.  You don’t need to sift through 5,000 posts of garbage by people who lack any consideration for you !

Windows 8

You’ve heard about Windows 8, and its release, along with Windows phone.  Some posts have been placed on this forum for information that you may find helpful.

Auto Shop Writer is compatible with Windows 8, and Windows Server 2012.  It also supports touch screen.  We have used it in house for over 6 months.

If you are considering an upgrade, or move, please feel free to call and ask any questions, or for online help !  We are very comfortable with this product.

Tablet computers

Yes, you can run ASW on a Windows 8 Pro tablet.  The Surface recently released by Microsoft is a nice device, but right now it only is released in the RT model and that does not support full applications like ASW.  The Surface Pro is expected in January.  Currently we have tested ASW on a Samsung Series 7 Slate tablet and it works well.  We also have an abbreviated version of ASW that will run on a Win 8 Pro tablet.  You will find great benefits from using a tablet in your shop as part of your network ! 

Current Version

The current installed version is 9.24.01 but some updates will follow shortly.