Update: 9.41.10

2014 has started and already we have update posting to you.  This will only auto upload when your 2014 1st Quarter DPP payment has been received.

Many small features may have been slipped into this update, and there are also enhancements you won’t see, but they are there.

There is one new feature you should be aware of because it may be helpful.  On the Parts screen for Workorders, and on the Stock Input screen, you will now see a small BROWSE icon.  This links to the MarkUp Table system. 

In Workorder Parts, if the item is in inventory, and has a markup table specified, clicking this button will automatically show you what the charge should be ( Retail, or one of the wholesale levels you have selected ).  If it does not have a markup table assigned, or it is not in inventory, a box will popup and allow you to use the dropdown to select the proper table you wish to use.  Here also, if you are set for a pricing level different than retail, it will calculate the proper price by the table.

In either case it will have you confirm you wish to use the new price.

With Stock Input, the button shows the table selection and allows you to find, and apply a table.  Since Stock Input only posts to Retail, it does not do the other calculations.  If this feature becomes popular, we can add the inventory search, and even update the price fields ( all levels ) in inventory … but that’s if we hear from you that feature would be beneficial.

We have a lot more in progress … more new features, more reports, etc.  They will be coming in the weeks ahead to all who are current with their DPP ( or on rental programs ).