Installing ASW 11

Are you ready to try Auto Shop Writer 11 ? Recently an upgrade program was transfered to your server. If you want to start using it, here is how to install it yourself:


1). Use your workstation. ( You do not need to do this on the server unless that is your workstation ). Get everyone out of Auto Shop Writer on ALL workstations.

2). Bring up the Windows Explorer, and locate the ASW10s folder on the server. ( Do this by clicking on the folder icon on the Task Bar at the bottom of your screen, or right clicking on the Windows button at the lowest left corner of your screen ).

3). Click on the MLS subfolder. You will see ASW11u.exe. Double click on it.

4). Follow the online prompts. You will be installing to the ASW10c folder on your workstation.

5). Once the install is complete, Double click on the MLS11 shortcut on the desktop. This is the one you will always use. ( Note the ASW 10 shortcuts are still active and usable, but will not have all the new features ).

6). You will be prompted to save a backup file. Click on the Downloads directory and let it save there. Follow the onscreen prompts

7) Log into MLS11, and under Tools select Index, then All files, and build the indexes.

You are now ready to work.


1). Exit ASW on the computer you are installing.

2). Use the Windows Explorer to find the ASW11u.exe. Double click on it.

3). When the installation is complete, log into the program and go to work. You do not need to do any of the other steps.

THATS IT. If you have any problems, let us know immediately. If this overwhelms you, call and we can do it for you remotely.