We realized there was one issue with the new lookup system, so we’ve made an addition.
Sometimes when a client comes to the counter, and you wish to start a workorder, they do not know their license. In the newest update ( .25 ), simply put a ? in the license field. Then a list of clients, and their vehicles, will pop up. Start typing in the last name of the client, or the company name, and locate the proper vehicle. Double click on it, and you will be asked if you are starting with an Estimate. Then the workorder will open up with the vehicle and client fully assigned.
Also, as the previous bulletin noted, on returning vehicles, the ONLY thing you need to enter when the 3 item box pops up is the LICENSE. Then hit Accept and automatically the invoice starts with client and vehicle fully applied.
The ONLY time you need to enter the state is if it is a new vehicle ( so put in License and State for CARFAX to find the VIN ), or scan in the VIN. Then the system will decode the vehicle data and create a new record for it. When asked about a client, if they are returning ( and in the system ), a Yes will display a popup box to locate the client, and double clicking on that will attach the client to the vehicle, all data will be saved, and the workorder created. If you say NO ( indicating a new client ), you will be asked for the name, and a popup will appear that allows you to add the important data. Saving this will add the client to the database, and vehicle, and start the workorder.
Following these steps will eliminate a lot of work, and handle your tasks more quickly.
Thanks for reading this bulletin.