WARNING: Windows 2018 Update ( 1803 ) will break your network.

UPDATED:  If you encounter this problem, there is a workaround.  The problem is that Microsoft disabled network discovery services.  Thus the workstations cannot find the ADS server.  You can create a file and place it in your ASW10c folder on each workstation.  However, you may need the help of your hardware person to accomplish this:

1)  Your server needs to have a STATIC ( fixed ) IP address.

2)  Using Notepad, or some other editing tool, create a file called  ADS.INI and place it in the ASW10c folder.  It needs the following format, where SERVERNAME is the name you assigned in the network, and the IP matches the static one to which the server is set.  Use this format:



If you are running Windows 10, your system will want to update to release 1803 automatically.  IF you are running the ADS client server software, DO NOT let any of your workstations do this update.  It will not allow that workstation to see data on the server any longer. 

THIS IS A MICROSOFT WINDOWS 10 BUG and not anything to do with Auto Shop Writer.  We cannot “fix it” … but we are trying to get answers from the very silent Microsoft engineers, 

Go into the Windows Settings, select Updates, and then Advanced Options.  You can see a button to stop updates ( for 30 days ).  Click on the right side to turn it ON.

Go into the Windows Settings, select Updates, and then Recovery.  Select the middle option that lets you go back to a previous version.  Follow the steps to roll back to 1709.  It won’t take long, and you will be back in business.

We posted our concerns here over a week ago … anticipating problems with this major Windows release.  We are reaching out to ADS to see if they have a solution, and also to Microsoft higher echelon ( administrative staff ) to get answers.  It may take awhile to get a response from them.

Update: 10.81.31

We have made some additional refinements to the process for adding a vehicle to a new workorder.  Many people did not read our previous bulletins so they were becoming frustrated with the “additional work.”  Here are the steps.

Adding a returning vehicle
Once you select Add – Service, a box pops up.  It asks for the license, state, and VIN.  If this is a returning vehicle, ONLY put in the license.  The workorder will then start with the client and vehicle data entered.  If you do not know the license, but do know the client, put a ? in the license field and hit the accept button.  A popup will appear with a list of clients ( in last name or company order ) and their vehicles.  Start typing the name, find the vehicle record and highlight it, then accept ( or double click on it ).  The workorder will begin with the client and vehicle data.

Cash sale
Leave all 3 fields blank and the ticket will start as a cash sale.  You can assign a client, or vehicle, later if you wish

Adding a new vehicle
Enter the license and state.  The system will do a CARFAX retrieval of the vehicle data, then show you the vehicle data edit screen so you can add notes, car color, etc.  Or, you can enter the vin ( using a barcode reader if you wish ) to get the same result.  Hit the Save button, confirm the data, and hit Exit.  Do not worry about the account number.  It will be linked automatically.

You will be asked if this is an existing client.  If you say Yes, you will see a lookup list.  Find the client, double click on it, and your workorder will begin.  ALL LINKING WILL BE DONE AUTOMATICALLY.

If it is not a new client, you will see a client data screen popup.    Fill in the data, hit the Save button, confirm the accuracy, then Exit.

The workorder will now open with the client and vehicle data fully applied.

If you make a mistake

Enter the workorder, and on the first screen, select the Add/Edit Vehicle from the drop down menu next to the vehicle button.  Find the right vehicle and highlight it.  Then hit Exit.  You will be asked if you want to use that vehicle on this workorder.  Say Yes and you will have resolved your problem.

Why did we make the change ?

We have watched confusion ont he part of some clients, and evaluated the simplicity of the old method.  We felt we could use the time when adding the barcode input method to actually improve the process, make it simpler and faster, and save you some time.  Those using it as described above have shared we met that goal and then some.